Called Meeting for Worship, Monday, Nov 2 at 7 PM

Hello Friends, 
Westport Friends Meeting’s Ministry and Counsel Committee has set a Called Meeting for Worship on Monday, Nov 2 at 7 PM in the meetinghouse and online via Zoom. Please mark your calendar and join us for this special worship. 
The purpose of this called worship is for our community to come together, specifically on the eve of Election Day, knowing that the stresses and fears of living through a pandemic, coupled with the heightened tensions of the current presidential election in particular, have many people worried about its outcome and fearful of potential civil unrest.
Friends may choose to attend Monday evening and worship in our usual way. But we are also encouraging Friends, as they may feel led, to also share readings, prayers, song, artwork or other expressions that lift the heart and offer hope in non-political ways. Such offerings may come whenever it feels “right,” near the beginning, middle or end of our time in worship together.
If you would like to join us online via Zoom for this Called Meeting for Worship on Nov 2, please email Kevin Lee in order to have the Zoom link and password sent to you a few hours before our worship on Monday evening, Nov 2.
Questions? Please contact Randy (401-924-2656) or Kevin (508-742-8709).
Please join us Monday, Nov 2 at 7 PM in the meetinghouse or online via Zoom.