Annual Advent Potluck, Dec 13, 2020, at 11:30 AM via Zoom

Dear Families and Friends of Westport Monthly Meeting, 

We hope you will join us for our Annual Advent Potluck to be held on Zoom this year on Sunday December 13th at 1130 am.  

Our Advent Potluck is one of the grand feasts of the year, and we will really miss tasting everyone’s delicious dishes and contributions. You’re invited to bring a dish to Zoom, though! You can describe it for us, show us on screen what it looks like, or tell us why you chose to make it. Hint: Families might choose to make a dish together. As we always say, please don’t come because you didn’t make anything! There will be more than enough food, and you can, of course, just tell us what you would have made – or what dish that’s often at our potluck you are missing. 

The other highlight of our Advent Potlucks is singing together. Singing on Zoom won’t be the same. The audio delay is really a problem for singing in unison. What does work, though, isto have one screen/household/family sing unmuted, and everyone else sing along with the audio muted. Yes, this means you are singing to yourself, or just with your family, but it actually still can be fun!  We would LOVE to have different people lead a song. This is not about having perfect pitch! It’s about being together. Please try to get over your shy-ness and use this form to indicate your willingness to lead a song. You can also use it to volunteer to hold a poster for the 12 Days of Christmas (the Baker-Smith rendition). We will attempt to match Friends with their first choices of songs. We will be sending you lyrics as well as the 12 days posters via snail mail, and since the event is less than 2 weeks away, time is of the essence. 

We will be spending a little time in small groups considering these questions: What are some holiday traditions I/we remember from our childhood?  What are our Christmas hopes?  What new traditions have we started, particularly in light of the Pandemic. 

We are really looking forward to seeing everyone and hope you’ll join us. Here’s the link again to volunteer to hold a poster and/or lead a song! 

Wishing you joy,

Gretchen and Buddy Baker-Smith, Pamela Terrien and Pamela Drouin