Next Seekers Group Meeting 4.16.2015

Our next gathering will be on Thursday, April 16, 2015 at 7pm in the Community House.  Our topic will be Discerning and Remaining Faithful to Our Life’s Work.  We have selected 2 readings to consider:  Chapter 7 from Barbara Brown Taylor’s book An Altar in the World and Chapter 9 of Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth.  Hard copies are available in the foyer of the Meeting House; digital copies can be obtained from Gretchen.

Here is what Randy wrote after the March 2, 2015 Meeting:

“The Seeker’s Group met in joyful fellowship this evening.  After some expectant silence we explored the phrase ” [blank] is my plumb-line to God”.  Many expressed some difficulty with this phrase as we grapple with the very understanding of God and therefore a difficulty in how to approach God.  Some have left traditional understandings from childhood behind and some are still searching.  Several admitted that while our understanding of God is not explainable, it is definitely experiential and are comfortable resting in that inexpressible experience.  A poem by Mary Oliver was shared that touched upon living in the light of this inexpressible feeling. We then focused on the plumb-line being  the way we can be open to experiencing the divine in life and how we can direct our lives to be as fulfilling and fruitful as possible.  We felt a leading in continuing for our next meeting with the topic of how we can discern our “life’s work” and how we can engage in this with societal pressures pulling us in other directions.”  – R.W.

Linda had the following 2 quotes arrive in her IN BOX the next morning and said they really resonated so much with the discussion.  So we’re sharing them, too.

Assessing, judging, and comparing are egocentric karmic conditioning/self-hate.  If you just turn your attention to awareness, if you notice getherenow with this, the insights will drop in and inform you of what is so.  Don’t try to figure anything out!

Cheri Huber

The mind that is the prisoner of conventional ideas, and the will that is the captive of its own desire, cannot accept the seeds of an unfamiliar truth and a supernatural desire…. I must learn therefore to let go of the familiar and the usual and consent to what is new and unknown to me. I must learn to ‘leave myself’ in order to find myself by yielding to the love of God.

Thomas Merton

We hope many will be able to join us at the April 16th meeting!  All are welcome!

Gretchen Baker-Smith