Seekers Group Meets Next on March 27, 2014 at 7PM!

Hello Dear Friends,

The next Seeker’s Group meeting is on THURSDAY, March 27 at 7pm in the Community House.

At February’s meeting, we talked about our personal understanding and connection to Jesus, Christianity, and our early religious experiences in other faith traditions. We also shared knowledge and questions about ‘the historical Jesus’ and the writings of the Gospels, and we touched on Friends’ understanding of continuing revelation.  Most wonderfully, we had a young man knock on the door in the middle of it all, asking if Hope lived there.  (True story!)  We laughed with joy at the hope and fellowship that most definitely is in our circle, even if the young woman he was looking for wasn’t physically with us.

We ended our conversation on the challenges of loving those who are hard to love and those who don’t love us – whether they are individuals or large groups of people.  We agreed that we struggle to attain the love that Jesus taught.  And, we also struggle to forgive.  We decided that our topic for this coming month would be unconditional love and forgiveness.

With the help of some NEYM Friends, I have found several short readings.  Please email me if you would like copies of these.  There will also be some copies available in the foyer of the Meeting House.  I did put together a play list of 7 songs on love and forgiveness, since music is really part of my theology. See playlist HERE.  Please bring other bits of writing and your own stories (and music titles) to our meeting.

Our conversations have been so rich, and the community amongst us is really sweet.  I so hope many of you can join us.

Note!  There has been a request to consider changing our meeting day from the last Wednesday to the last Thursday of the month on a regular basis.  Please let me know if this would work for you (or maybe even another Thursday).

All are welcome to join us!
